"Slithering out from the radioactive waste, we are once again blessed by the glorious creeps from Leipzig known as Lassie. This aberrant hit machine strikes again and again with more of their clever, punchy wacked flavor of synth-punk. Loaded with wacky samples, synth and guitar harmonies, riffs and, of course, a fucking shitload of ear worm melody packed and densely arranged for your listening pleasure. Don’t miss the boat. Pick up this outstanding ripper. For fans of a werewolf who can only be killed by piss." - Sims Hardin
Disclaimer: Lassie loves werewolves and does not officially support this, no werewolves where harmed during the production of this record.
"Ever wonder what it would sound like if you mashed together the music of the Marked Men, Spits, and Rezillos and played it with the ferocity of the Lost Sounds? Behold! Leipzig’s Lassie delivers their debut LP off the back of a hotass streak of EPs and 7”s, and it’s every bit of fun that those earlier records promised. Poppy robot rock for disaffected punks looking to have the wildest of weekends!" - Alex Howell
The good doctor is finally back to flip us on our backs and give us the old one-two-three-four, following a cassette I only knew about and listened to death and onto rebirth after hanging with the boys in Marseille.
These new-age space cowboys take us to the other side of the galaxy with a space shuttle of punk-fuelled psychedelic country… and drop you off into a black hole. The riffs bring the good news of the apocalypse to the new world from the one they left behind. US Maple lightsaber guitars fighting in a Uranium Club? Singer running out of oxygen.
References aren’t required anymore, just like when you hired VHS from the local video store. Take the risk, take the plunge, form an opinion yourself… get your money’s worth, tell me to go to hell and stop reading this.
If Captain Beefheart kept playing punk music and joined Marbled Eye or something, wearing modern, youthful clothes with an iPhone to hang out with some of the deranged, loveable, lust-for-lifers of Leipzig, maybe it would sound like this, but only after pulling him apart and putting him back together as robocop with a country teasers bumper sticker on his metal arse.
Why hire VHS when you can see their amazing video clips, which look like they’ve been directed by Giuseppe Andrews... Doc Flippers are trailer trash cooking bratwurst on top of flaming oil drums... crazy homeless, performance art punk rock.
DOC FLIPPERS nehmen dich mit auf den Jahrmarkt Deiner Albträume. Schon beim ersten Betreten merkst Du, dass hier was nicht stimmt. Nett vor sich hin dudelnde Riffs, die aber gleichzeitig wabern, wie Dein verwundertes Gesicht im Spiegelkabinett. Zwischendurch beginnt Deine Zuckerwatte zu tropfen, aber wenn Du denkst, dass Du Dich in diesen cheesy Momenten beruhigen kannst: Vergiss es! Du drehst Dich um und aus allen Ecken glotzt dich dieser Clown an. Manchmal guckt er ganz lustig, aber besser Du vertraust seinen gläsernen Augen nicht. Der zieht Dich nämlich ganz schnell mit seiner Zunge in die Tiefen des Gruselkabinetts. Während Du da drinne verloren gehst, erlebst Du die Höhen und Tiefen des Surrealen. Und solange sich die Scheibe dreht, kommst Du da auch nicht raus.
Sei gespannt. Sei gebannt.
Eine neue Runde – eine neue Illusion.
TELESATAN wrote the ultimate soundtrack to Dispo hooligan fans in Braveheart style battle w/ the Diensthund pack, while TELESATAN disciples still burning out their motorcycles on Eisenbahnstraße, LE. The evil and scabious twin of Dispo strikes again with eight new tracks full of laid back rage and anger. They already did proof, that they have nothing left to lose and nothing to take care of. This is epic, this is for the books.