Sometimes making music is just a cheap excuse to spend some time with your friends. And so the three of us went touring last winter in South-Denmark or how you would call it: Germany. Whatsoever, here's a tour-split one year too late, but who gives a fuck. If you like danceable music but hate clubs, if you like punks doing non-punk and if you think it's a waste of time to read this, as much as I think it was a waste of time to write this, then maybe you should just give this record a try.
JPGR&R (Liverpool/Berlin)
LITTLE GHOST (your house at night)
VÖ: 06.10.2023
co-release w/ Fair Trade Kokain Rekordz
mastered by Schrzø
Vacuum Man photo by Johanna
JPGRR & Little Ghost photo by Dean Klein
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